SO can i fly now ? NO

Exams over, bored holiday come. I dont know what to do whole month in KL so bored.  So i see what i can do. Oh yeah, Nikki give birth to a 5 cute kittens. They are so adorable. There are 2 which is my favorite, cream colour : 


The first look like monkey face haha, cuz all cream colour, just its face is white. The second white all bright cream colour. Dont they look adorable ??? Both of them just less than one week old. Some people dont like small kittens or puppies when they haven't open their eyes yet, they think they are disgusting, are you one of them ?

I downloaded Britney new album Circus :

I love her Circus album so much although her cover sucks, it is so different from her previous album ( i have them all). In this album, its just like the real come back of Britney. No more silly songs like the previous album. If you notice her previous album in Blackout, all those songs almost the same but in this album, its all so great. Lovin it....


meow said...

awww... that kitty looks like little tiger! meow...

Christine said...

my bf said looks like mickey mouse haha